GF Machining Solutions iWire automatically identifies and adapts wire speed

The new iWire function from GF Machining Solutions automatically identifies and adapts wire speed to changing erosion height conditions during the wire EDM process.

This capability eliminates wire breakage while reducing overall wire consumption per job, according to the company.

The function works in tandem with the company’s Intelligent Spark Protection System (ISPS), both of which are part of the company’s Uniqua control.

The company can not only recognize exactly where the sparks of a wire EDM are happening during the process, it can also measure and identify the position of each spark along the length of an EDM’s wire.

Knowing the exact location of a spark allows the function to automatically adapt the wire spool speed accordingly. Such capability reduces the chances of wire breakage during unattended operations when EDMing parts with steps and other features that vary the erosion height – the length of the actual surface areas where the wire is eroding/cutting.

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